-- 几个月前的学习笔记,懒得再翻译回来了
Continuous Integration
- Continuous Integration
- Purpose & Main Goals
- Enviroment Infomation
- Configuring Env Path
- Installing JDK 1.8
- Install Nexus
- Configuring iptables
- Verify Nexus service by setting up a Maven project
- Install Maven on server side (later will be used by Jenkins)
- Install GitLab
- Enable SSH connection using GitLab without password
- Install Jenkins
- Setup automated build in Jenkins with Gitlab’s Web Hook feature
- Setup automated deploy after build in Jenkins
- Install Git server(Optional)
Purpose & Main Goals
Automatically build
Expose problems earlier.
Common module management.
Internal Maven Server makes building process faster.
Set up the standard of the whole life circle of Soft Ware development.
Code Review Process setup
Build trigger
Automatically deploy
Automatically test run : (Front end and Back End (Unit Test Framework integration))
base platforms setup
gitlab , nexus,jenkins , maven
Enviroment Infomation
Configuring Env Path
,add below text to the endPATH=/var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories:$PATHexport PATH
Installing JDK 1.8
rpm -ivh
Install Nexus
in this case , we use the nexus 2 because it’s more friendly with maven then nexus 31
tar -xvf
- run
- - default account : admin/admin123
Configuring iptables
vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
add this to the end :
-A INPUT -p tcp -m sate --state NEW -m tcp --dport 8081 -j ACCEPT
or ,simply turn off the iptable service by
service iptables stop
Verify Nexus service by setting up a Maven project
- In project’s pom.xml,add this(it tells maven which repository to deploy the jar):
releases releases - In maven’s setting.xml (pls use
mvn help:effective-settings
to ensure that which file is currently effective)
nexus-internal * nexus-internal releases admin admin123 -
Install Maven on server side (later will be used by Jenkins)
- tar -xvf
Install GitLab
- Official Installation Guide :
- If you’re in CentOS 6/7 , to avoid from the network connectivity problem in China, I suggest you use the rpm way. in my case : I use
- install path would be :
- default repository is
- setting file is :
- Use
to manage the application (start,stop,tail,etc) - Problems occured solved:
- Port in use ? Because the component “Tweak” using 8080 as the default port,if it’s been taken by any other program,GitLab would be failed to start.
To change the port
vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
- Find session # GitLab Unicorn #
- Modify
unicorn['listen'] = ''
,unicorn['port'] = 8090
- Apply changes :
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
- Check logs
sudo gitlab-ctl tail
- Set git user’s default shell to bash :
usermod -s /bin/bash git
- Default Account ?
- During the installing process,you’d be asked to set your password,it means your current Linux account ,e.g
;After installation has been done,you can use that to login into the system. - If there’s no account/pwd setting process came out during the installation,you can register one from the entry index,and it’d be the admin authority.
- During the installing process,you’d be asked to set your password,it means your current Linux account ,e.g
Enable SSH connection using GitLab without password
- Use Git Bash as the Git Client in Windows.
- Open GitBash from user home dir : e.g
Execute command :
ssh-keygen -t rsa
C:\Users\bob\.ssh>ls id_rsa id_rsa.pub known_hosts type %userprofile%\.ssh\id_rsa.pub | clip
Go to GitLab User Profile Page,add a SSH Key like below (the key’s already in your clip)
About ssh no-pwd verify login:
After your execute the commandssh-keygen -t rsa
The generated 3 files : id_rsa, id_rsa.pub , known hosts are bound together on the client side ,and it must be under client side’s user folder (in this case :C:\Users\bob\.ssh
). After you gave out the public keyid_rsa.pub
to the server side , where did it go? it’s been added to the end of the file of/var/opt/gitlab/.ssh/authorized_keys
on the server side
Install Jenkins
- Download latest Jenkins
- Start it with executing
nohup java -jar jenkins.war &
. Or you can deploy it into tomcat , which is more recommended. - Install git plugin from system admin page.
- To add Credential,here are the steps:
- Supposed I’m trying to add a project and my git accont is bob
- Login as bob in git server
ssh-keygen -t rsa
press ENTER till it’s done.*(this will gen 2 files “id_rsa”,”id_rsa.pub” under default user home “/home/bob/.ssh”,cat id_rsa
and you’ll see the private key content )- go to the jenkins admin page : index->Credentials->System->Goblal credentials->Add Credentials
- Kind: SSH
- Scope: Global
- Username : your git username(linux account)
- Private Key : Enter directly (step 3)
- other field just leave for empty
- try a maven project build with jenkins
- index -> new
- choose maven,next
- choose git and give the git url
- choose the credential that you just created. save
- click build on the left side
Setup automated build in Jenkins with Gitlab’s Web Hook feature
- GitLab:
- go to Settings > Webhooks
- at “URL” fill in with
- at “Trigger” choose whenever you want it to be triggered.
Install plugin on Jenkins ,see
配置 –> Gitlab Web Hook
check the option : Trigger build also when pushing to merged branches -
Project Configuration
参数化构建过程,do as follow
; -
go to
Branches to build
fill in with$BRANCH_TO_BUILD
- go to source browser,do as follow
- GitLab:
Setup automated deploy after build in Jenkins
- Install
- Do as follow
enable tomcat manage console
- configure the conf/tomcat-users.xml
tomcat/tomcat would be the user Jenkins’d use.
Install Git server(Optional)
- install neccesary dependence
yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel perl-devel
some times the zlib env might go wrong ,try download and make installwget http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/libpng/zlib/1.2.8/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
- other dependence error pls ref to this
install git
- get latest git source package
tar -zxvf git-2.9.0.tar.gz
cd git2.9
make install
git version
add git accounts on server side
- add a user :
useradd -g git git
- set password for it :
passwd git
- delete a user (
means also delete user’s folder)userdel -f git
- add a user :
create a test repository directory
mkdir /home/soft/git/repo1
- initial :
git init --bare project.git
grand authority
sudo chown -R git:git project.git
ssh setting (client side)
ssh-keygen -t rsa
scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@
or you can pass your rsa key in text ,after key generating,do
pass it to server admin,and he shall write that intocat rsa.pub
and you’ll see the rsa key content,/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
(real path might depends)-
verify uploaded file(server side):
ls ~/id_rsa.pub
try it on client side
mkdir testrepo1cd testrepo1git clone git@
- install neccesary dependence